Lasagna Pasta Salad

Broken lasagne sheets with summer cherry tomatoes, crispy tomato & honey beef bits, lemony ricotta, mozzarella, and a fresh basil dressing.

Done in 1 hour

Serves 4



for the dressing

50gfresh basil

100mlextra virgin olive oil

1lemon, juice

100mlred wine vinegar

2garlic cloves

1 tspwholegrain mustard

1 tspchilli flakes

Salt and pepper

for the salad

300gcherry tomatoes, quartered

200g20% fat beef mince

1 tbsptomato paste

1/2 tbsp honey

1mozzarella ball, torn

1/2 tubricotta

1lemon, zest

2 headsred chicory (or any lettuce)

200glasagne noodles, broken

Salt and pepper, to taste

This by no means replicates the comforting, indulgent feelings you get when you eat lasagne. But, it's summer, you don't want to be slaving away in the kitchen all day, so this is a lighter, fresher version of lasagne.


Blend together or food process basil and garlic, then add to a bowl with lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Combine the ricotta, lemon zest, salt, and pepper

Cook the broken lasagne sheets in a shallow wide pan with a tiny drizzle of olive oil to stop them sticking together. Drain, toss in more olive oil, and allow to cool

Add the beef mince to a pan and bring up to a high heat, allowing the fat to render out.

Once the beef is starting to look crispy, add the tomato paste, salt, and pepper. Mix well to coat, then finish with honey.

Roughly chop the chicory, and add to a bowl with the cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, and the cooked lasagne Toss in half of the dressing.

Load up onto a large platter. Add blobs of the ricotta mix, and finish with a scattering of the crispy mince. Drizzle over any remaining dressing and any leftover basil leaves, and enjoy!

What do you think of the recipe?

Spencer Lengsfield

Spencer Lengsfield

Spencer has been cooking since she got her first Easy-Bake oven at four years old, and began recipe developing professionally whilst completing her Master’s degree in 2020. Born in Los Angeles, she has an inherent love for all things Mexican, Japanese, and Korean, but is also heavily influenced by her family's Louisiana heritage. Spencer loves bright flavours, spice and fusion food. If she were a food, she'd be kimchi - versatile, spicy and funky.

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