Spam Breakfast Burger

Spam is making a comeback, and this recipe is sure to convert all you spam haters out there.

Done in 30 minutes

Serves 2



for the sauce

2 tbspketchup

1 tbspmustard

2 tbspmayo

1 tspWorcestershire sauce

1 tspsoy sauce

1/2 tspblack pepper

for the shallots

2banana shallots, thinly sliced

1 tbspcornflour

1 tbspplain flour

Flaky salt, to finish

Vegetable oil, for frying

for the burger

1 tinspam, sliced

25gunsalted butter

4cheese slices


1avocado, sliced

8pickle slices

Crispy spam slices topped with gooey cheese, a fried egg, avocado, secret sauce, and crispy fried shallots all packed into a toasted brioche bun. Think hot dog meets breakfast sandwich meets spam.


Mix together all the sauce ingredients, then set aside in the fridge.

Thinly slice the shallots, then toss in cornflour and plain flour. Preheat the vegetable oil to 180 C, then add the shallots.

Fry until golden and crispy, this should only take a minute, then drain on a paper towel. Finish immediately with flaky salt.

Slice up the spam. Melt a knob of butter, then add the spam slices. Fry on both sides until crispy, then add cheese slices, turn off the heat, and cover.

Remove from the pan, then fry an egg. Toast your brioche buns.

Build your burger, starting with your toasted bun, then a good dollop of your sauce. Add sliced avocado, pickles, and the spam slices. Top with the fried egg and the crispy shallots, then the other half of the bun. Enjoy!

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Spencer Lengsfield

Spencer Lengsfield

Spencer has been cooking since she got her first Easy-Bake oven at four years old, and began recipe developing professionally whilst completing her Master’s degree in 2020. Born in Los Angeles, she has an inherent love for all things Mexican, Japanese, and Korean, but is also heavily influenced by her family's Louisiana heritage. Spencer loves bright flavours, spice and fusion food. If she were a food, she'd be kimchi - versatile, spicy and funky.

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