Wild Garlic Scissor Cut Pasta with Wild Garlic Pesto

A dreamy spring pasta dish ready in under 30 minutes.

Done in 30 minutes

Serves 2

Mia Jacobs

Dish by Mia Jacobs



The pesto

30gwild garlic leaves

1 tbspnutritional yeast


75mlolive oil

100gfrozen peas, thawed

1garlic clove

to tastelemon juice

to tastesalt and freshly cracked black pepper

The pasta

300gplain flour

30gwild garlic


1 tspolive oil

a pinchsalt

To garnish

1large shallot, peeled and thinly sliced

200mlneutral oil

4-6wild garlic flowers (optional)

1 tbsphazelnuts, toasted and chopped

The perfect spring dinner that's impressive, packed with flavour and easy to put together. Wild garlic season is one of the best times of year for foodies in the UK, the stuff is gold dust! So next time you see some, grab a little handful and get making this!


Bring a pot of water to the boil then drop the 30g wild garlic (for the pasta) in. Leave in for 30 seconds then remove and run under cold water. Blitz to a paste then add to the water.

Pour the water and oil into the plain flour and bring together into a shaggy dough. Start kneading until the dough is smooth - if it's too dry, add a splash of water, if it's too wet, add a tbsp of flour at a time.

Wrap in cling film or cover, then pop into the fridge for 10 minutes.

Blend together all the ingredients for the pesto and season to taste. Set to one side.

Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium low heat then add the shallot slices. Gently fry for 4-5 minutes until golden. Remove whilst they're still lightly golden and drain on a paper towel.

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add plenty of salt. The dough should have relaxed and hydrated, so it'll be super soft. Snip off small sections of the dough directly into the boiling water. Once they float to the top, remove - save some of the pasta water.

Add the cooked pasta to the sauce, loosening with a splash of pasta water if necessary. Toss until it's well coated.

Serve topped with the shallots, hazelnuts and wild garlic flowers (if you have them). Enjoy!

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Mia Jacobs

Mia Jacobs

Mia is a self-taught cook with an obsession with street food and an absolute hatred for parsnips. Before joining Twisted Green, Mia founded an online vegan cooking school in the midst of the global pandemic and began teaching people all over the world how to cook incredible vegan food from the comfort of their own homes. Her mission was, and still is, to help transform kitchens everywhere from a daunting space to one that’s filled with the irresistible aroma of frying garlic, and some very special plant-based grub. She also believes that crisps and hummus are a gift to humanity.

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