One Pot Cheesy Potato Pasta

Nothing beats a one pot meal, especially one that's loaded with carbs and soft comforting white beans. The perfect recipe for a chilly day.

Done in 30 minutes

Serves 3

Mia Jacobs

Dish by Mia Jacobs



The potato pasta

1 tbspextra virgin olive oil

1white onion, finely diced

1medium potato, peeled and finely diced

3garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tsprosemary

1bay leaf

2salad tomatoes, quartered

400gwhite beans

1/2 tbspwhite wine vinegar

500mlvegetable stock

250gsmall pasta

1 tbspnutritional yeast

50gvegan cheddar

1/2lemon juice

to tastesalt and freshly cracked black pepper

to garnishbasil leaves

to servetruffle oil

One pot pastas are back, and this time they're loaded with even more carbs. The potatoes and beans become soft and creamy and form an incredible sauce that's simple and light, whilst being deeply comforting.


Heat the olive oil over a medium heat in a medium large saucepan. Once hot, add the onions and potatoes with a pinch of salt and sweat for around 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once they begin to soften add the garlic and stir together. Cook for another few minutes.

Sprinkle in the rosemary and bay leaves then add in the beans and tomatoes. Stir everything together and cook gently for a few minutes before adding the stock in along with the white wine vinegar. Cover and simmer for around 20-25 minutes, or until the potatoes have softened.

Lightly crush the potatoes and beans to thicken the sauce then add the pasta along with an additional 200ml water. Continue to simmer for another 10-15 minutes or until the pasta is cooked and the sauce has thickened even more.

Add the nutritional yeast, grated vegan cheese, some truffle oil to taste, lemon juice and plenty of cracked black pepper.

Serve with more cheese, a drizzle more truffle oil and top with torn basil leaves. Enjoy!

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Mia Jacobs

Mia Jacobs

Mia is a self-taught cook with an obsession with street food and an absolute hatred for parsnips. Before joining Twisted Green, Mia founded an online vegan cooking school in the midst of the global pandemic and began teaching people all over the world how to cook incredible vegan food from the comfort of their own homes. Her mission was, and still is, to help transform kitchens everywhere from a daunting space to one that’s filled with the irresistible aroma of frying garlic, and some very special plant-based grub. She also believes that crisps and hummus are a gift to humanity.

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