Potato Doughnuts

All hail the spudnut!

Done in 3 hours

Serves 8-10



For the dough:



350gplain flour

8gbaking powder

2 eggs

1/4 cupwhole milk

1/4 cupbuttermilk

2 litresfrying oil

150g icing sugar



handfulcrumbled Biscoff biscuits

handfulsalted crisps

Some say a potato has no place in a doughnut. These people need to broaden their horizons. Potatoes in doughnuts are great! They add moisture, fluffiness - what's not to love? In this episode of Chip Advisor, we embrace spuds in puds and create a delicious Biscoff doughnut recipe.


Brown the butter over a low heat and set aside, keeping it warm so it doesn't harden.

Peel and boil the potatoes (make sure their peeled weight is 340g) and finely mash them using a ricer when they are very soft.

Whisk the plain flour and baking powder together, adding a pinch of salt, and set aside.

Whisk the eggs, milk, buttermilk and mashed potatoes. Combine with the dry ingredients and gently bring together to form a dough.

Heat the oil to 160°C. Use a cookie cutter to cut out 8cm disks of the dough.

Fry the doughnuts until they are cooked through and crisp on the outside.

Whisk the glaze ingredients together, pour over the doughnuts and cover with the crushed biscuits and a crisp each.

What do you think of the recipe?

Hugh Woodward

Hugh Woodward

Hugh's culinary life began aged 14 when he cooked spaghetti hoop burritos to impress girls. Since then his colourful career has taken him to performing in Skegness, making cheese in Peckham, running a wine bar on Columbia Road and reluctantly working in a (briefly) Michelin Starred restaurant. He likes fish, things cooked on charcoal, cheap dinners and London's rich cultural tapestry of food shops. When he's not cooking or eating he can be found mudlarking by the river Thames, buying bits in flea markets and hanging out with his cat Keith.

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