Po Boy Mushroom Burger

A super crispy, seasoned mushroom burger with a creamy cajun mayo, fresh salad and of course, pickles (optional, if you’re not a pickle fiend).

Done in 40 minutes

Serves 2

Mia Jacobs

Dish by Mia Jacobs



For the buttermilk mushrooms

250mlsoy milk

2 tspapple cider or white wine vinegar

2oyster mushroom clusters

For the cajun mayo

75gvegan mayo

1/2 tspcajun seasoning

1/4 tsppaprika

1/2 tspyellow mustard

1/2 tspgarlic granules

1 tsppickle juice

to tastehot sauce (eg. tabasco)

to tastesalt and freshly ground pepper

For the fried mushroom

100gplain flour

1 tspgarlic granules

1 tsponion granules

1 tspcajun seasoning

1/2 tsppaprika

a pinchsalt and freshly ground pepper

300mlvegetable oil

To serve

2burger buns

2-4 slicesvegan cheese

4baby gem lettuce leaves

1tomato, sliced

1dill pickle, sliced

If you're looking for something full of flavour that can satisfy that meaty, fried chicken burger craving but you're trying to cut back on your meat intake, then look no further. This mushroom burger blows all other mushroom burgers out the water. It's crisp, perfectly spiced and still remains juicy inside. You'll definitely want to give this a go, especially if you're trying to convert any mushroom haters out there.


Create the buttermilk by mixing the soy milk and vinegar in a large jug or bowl. Place the mushrooms in the buttermilk and make sure they're fully covered. Cover and leave to one side whilst you prepare the other elements.

Mix together all the ingredients for the cajun mayo and thin with some water to loosen the sauce until it's drizzable.

In a large bowl, mix the flour with the seasonings and 1 tbsp of the vegan buttermilk. Rub the buttermilk into the flour mix to create larger chunks of batter. Press the flour into the nooks and crannies of the mushroom to ensure they're fully coated.

Place a medium large saucepan over a medium heat. Once hot (place a wooden chopstick or spoon into the hot oil, small bubbles should immediately form around the bottom) gently lower in the battered mushrooms and fry for a total of 5-7 minutes depending on the size of the mushrooms. Remove when they're golden brown.

Toast the burger buns in a dry frying pan cut side down until golden brown and crisp then layer on plenty of the cajun mayonnaise, vegan cheese, fresh salad ingredients, the fried mushrooms and pickles.

What do you think of the recipe?

Mia Jacobs

Mia Jacobs

Mia is a self-taught cook with an obsession with street food and an absolute hatred for parsnips. Before joining Twisted Green, Mia founded an online vegan cooking school in the midst of the global pandemic and began teaching people all over the world how to cook incredible vegan food from the comfort of their own homes. Her mission was, and still is, to help transform kitchens everywhere from a daunting space to one that’s filled with the irresistible aroma of frying garlic, and some very special plant-based grub. She also believes that crisps and hummus are a gift to humanity.

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