Mac and Cheese Lasagne Bombs

Bored of having the same left overs again and again? Start repurposing your left overs and make something great!

Done in 1 1/2 hour

Serves 6

Ori Goldberg

Dish by Ori Goldberg



For the mac and cheese:

1 pack ofmacaroni



1/2 tspmustard powder

1/2 tsppaprika

1/2 tspblack pepper


20g grated mozzarella

20g Red Leicester

The rest:

left over bolognese

2 eggs, whisked

300gpanko breadcrumbs

1 tbspplain flour

handful ofgrated parmesan

neutral oil, for frying

Crispy, oozy, and full of cheese, these Mac and cheese lasagne bombs combine everything we love about pasta and sauces, all incased in fresh breadcrumbs, fried, and covered with LOADS of parmesan.


Start by placing your leftover bolognese in the freezer, to harden slightly. 

To make the mac and cheese, start by adding your butter and flour, followed by adding your milk but by bit. Once you have a thick sauce, season with your powders, and add in your cheese. Mix well and add in your cooked macaroni. Let cool completely in the fridge. 

Take your now hardened bolognese, make into a ball, and wrap your mac and cheese around it.

Chill in the freezer, for about 20 mins, and then start coating the bombs in flour, then egg, and lastly breadcrumbs. 

Fry at 165°c for around 10 mins, plate up and garnish with a mound of parmesan cheese, and enjoy.

What do you think of the recipe?

Ori Goldberg

Ori Goldberg

Coming from a family of entertainers and cooks, Ori (a professional eater turned chef) has been surrounded by all things food for as long as he can remember. Born and raised in NW London, post university Ori decided to dedicate some time into running the family restaurant, delve deep into his middle-eastern roots, and create menus expressing his love for traditional street foods and baked goods. Now, the dream is to continue to push boundaries of technique and fusion, through life experiences and upbringing!

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