Katsu Chicken Grilled Cheese Recipe

If you think the world would be better if you there was more grilled cheese, then check out our Katsu Chicken Grilled Cheese recipe.

Done in 30 minutes



For the curry sauce :

1 tbspvegetable oil

1/2brown onion, diced

3garlic cloves, diced

1/2 inchginger, diced

1 tbspplain flour

1 tbspcurry powder

1/2 tspturmeric

300mlchicken stock

1 carrot, peeled and diced

30mlcoconut milk

30mldouble cream

1 tsphoney

1 tbspsoy sauce

For the chicken

4 chicken thighs, skinless, boneless


100g panko breadcrumbs

2 eggs, beaten

For the sandwich

100g white cabbage, shredded

4Swiss cheese, sliced

4 tbspkewpie mayo

1 tbspwhite sesame seeds

1 tbspblack sesame seeds

Japan meets America in this oozy, crispy, crunchy adjective-ridden sandwich mash up. Ft slaw on the high notes, katsu sauce on the bass with a sweet solo by cheese.


Heat the oil in a medium saucepan and add the onion. 

Cook over a low heat until caramelised, then add the garlic and ginger and cook for another minute or so until smelling aromatic. 

Add the plain flour and curry flour and stir to coat the vegetables in the pan. Add the chicken stock, a dash at a time, until it's all incorporated with no lumps.

Add the carrots and simmer with the lid on until they're completely soft, stirring to make sure the sauce doesn't catch.

Allow the curry to cool before blending it until it's silky smooth, then pass it through a sieve. Add the coconut milk, double cream, honey, soy sauce. Set aside. 

Meanwhile, bread and fry your chicken - dip the thighs in the plain flour, shake off excess, then into the egg and into the panko, making sure they are thoroughly coated.

Heat the oil to 170°C and shallow fry until crisp.

Brush the bread slices with kewpie mayo and sprinkle with sesame seeds on the outer sides. Sandwich the cabbage and a breaded chicken thigh and swiss cheese along with a good dollop of curry sauce, then gently griddle until molten, crisp and delicious.

What do you think of the recipe?

Hugh Woodward

Hugh Woodward

Hugh's culinary life began aged 14 when he cooked spaghetti hoop burritos to impress girls. Since then his colourful career has taken him to performing in Skegness, making cheese in Peckham, running a wine bar on Columbia Road and reluctantly working in a (briefly) Michelin Starred restaurant. He likes fish, things cooked on charcoal, cheap dinners and London's rich cultural tapestry of food shops. When he's not cooking or eating he can be found mudlarking by the river Thames, buying bits in flea markets and hanging out with his cat Keith.

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