Chicken Soba Noodles

Part of our “One Chicken, Six Meals” vid.

Done in 6 hours

Serves 1



What you'll need:

lotschicken carcass and bones

2chicken wings




1 thumbginger

1 sheetkombu

100mlsoy sauce

1 tbspmiso

to tastesoba noodles

to tastepak choi

1soft boiled egg

to tastecrispy chillis

Use the chicken carcass to make a beautiful flavourful broth. Serve it with noodles and all your favourite additions.


Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place the carcass, any bones and wings on a baking tray and roast them until golden all over. Remove the wings and shred off the meat.

Place the carcass and bones in a large pot with the vegetables and kombu. Cover with around 6 litres of water, bring to a simmer. Remove the kombu after 10 minutes, then continue simmering for around 6 hours.

Pour through a strainer, discard the solids and reduce the stock until you have around 400ml left. Stir in the soy sauce and miso. Season to taste.

Serve with cooked noodles, pak choi, crispy chillis and a softboiled egg.

What do you think of the recipe?

Hugh Woodward

Hugh Woodward

Hugh's culinary life began aged 14 when he cooked spaghetti hoop burritos to impress girls. Since then his colourful career has taken him to performing in Skegness, making cheese in Peckham, running a wine bar on Columbia Road and reluctantly working in a (briefly) Michelin Starred restaurant. He likes fish, things cooked on charcoal, cheap dinners and London's rich cultural tapestry of food shops. When he's not cooking or eating he can be found mudlarking by the river Thames, buying bits in flea markets and hanging out with his cat Keith.

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