Full English Breakfast Poutine

England and Canada meet in a gravy-soaked love in. Who better to give it a taste than Carly Rae Jepson?

Done in 3 hours

Serves 2



For the gravy

2carrot, roughly chopped

3 stickscelery, roughy chopped

1onion, roughly chopped

6chicken wings

3/4stock bones

1/2 litreswater

50g butter

40gplain flour

to tastesalt and pepper



4rashers streaky bacon, roughly chopped

And the rest:

4 portionsfreshly cooked French fries

150gcheese curds

4 tbspchives

Poutine, Canada's second greatest national treasure (after Carly Rae Jepson and moose). Often dismissed as a glorified cheesy chips with gravy, in reality it's so much more. We've made a special treat for Carly by adding some meaty British treats to this Canadian classic.


Start off by making your stock - roast the vegetables, chicken wings and bones for roughly an hour or until smelling amazing. Try not to burn them!

Place them in a pot with the water and simmer gently for as long as you've got - 2/3 hours is perfect. Strain and discard the vegetables, chicken wings and bones, saving the stock for the next step.

Heat the butter until foaming in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the flour and stir until it is combined with the butter and smells biscuity, then pour over the stock, a little bit at a time, until you have a rich sauce. Set aside somewhere warm.

Fry the sausages in a little oil until cooked through, then remove from the heat, chop up into bitesize pieces and keep somewhere warm. Repeat with the bacon and finally the eggs.

Assemble the poutin! Use a wide, shallow serving dish and create a mound of fries. Top this with the cheese curds, diced sausages, bacon and eggs. Pour over the warm gravy and sprinkle with chives.

Serve forth!

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Hugh Woodward

Hugh Woodward

Hugh's culinary life began aged 14 when he cooked spaghetti hoop burritos to impress girls. Since then his colourful career has taken him to performing in Skegness, making cheese in Peckham, running a wine bar on Columbia Road and reluctantly working in a (briefly) Michelin Starred restaurant. He likes fish, things cooked on charcoal, cheap dinners and London's rich cultural tapestry of food shops. When he's not cooking or eating he can be found mudlarking by the river Thames, buying bits in flea markets and hanging out with his cat Keith.

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