Turkish Menemen Fried Rice Recipe

Twisted’s urkish Menemen, Breakfast Fried Rice recipe is definitely not an authentic Turkish menemen recipe, but it does feature Turkish ingredients, and it is definitely acceptable at the breakfast table. Give it (and the eggs) a crack.

Done in 1 hour

Serves 4

Tom Jackson

Dish by Tom Jackson



For the fried rice:

200gmixed cherry tomatoes, salted

400g jasmine rice

3long turkish peppers, diced into rounds

1onion, sliced with grain

2long spring onions, separated into whites and greens and in 1cm chunks

1scant tsp sugar

1oxo chicken stock cube

1 hpd tspdried mushroom powder (porcini)

1ring of sucuk (yayla brand) (175g), casing removed, sliced into quarters lengthwise then diced into chunks

a handful mint and parsley leaves, plus more for garnish

3, separated large eggs

For the crispbread:

1 large or 2 small khobez flatbreads


1 tspschwartz medium (Madras) curry powder

juice of 1 lemon

For the confit garlic tahini sauce:

1 headgarlic

250mlneutral oil

6 tbspLebanese tahini

to tasteSalt

For the raw tomato chilli sauce:

250gred baby plum tomatoes

1 or 2hot green chillies

2 tbspolive oil

to tastesalt

Twisted's Turkish Menemen, Breakfast Fried Rice Recipe is Tom J's favourite breakfast. It's also the jumping off point for this dangerously delicious, aromatic (& spicy) Turkish breakfast-inspired fried rice bonanza. This is definitely not an authentic menemen recipe, but it does feature Turkish ingredients, and it is definitely acceptable at the breakfast table. Crispy sucuk sausage, fried curried crispbread, rich golden garlic tahini sauce, refreshing tomato & green chilli 'dressing'. All killer.


Wash your rice in several changes of cold water until the water runs clear, the place in a small saucepan. Top rice with enough water to cover to the tip of your cuticle (finger test). Place uncovered on high heat and boil until the top of the rice is dry, then cover with a tight lid and cook on a low flame for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and steam with the lid on for 3 minutes, then transfer to a lightly oiled tray and spread out to cool. Set aside until at room temperature or chill if desired.

Meanwhile, foam 75g butter and add 1 tsp curry powder, then chuck in torn khobez flatbread. Fry until crisp, turning often, then set aside.

Coat cooled rice in egg yolk and beat remaining eggs.

Make garnish sauces by combining all ingredients, then set aside.

To the buttery (uncleaned) wok or pan, add sucuk and fry until crisp in places. Remove with slotted spoon.

To sujuk fat, fry peppers for 1 min. Add spring onion whites and onion and fry 2 mins.

Add yolk-coated rice. Toss to assimilate. Season with stock powder, mushroom powder and sugar. Toss to coat. Return sausage, add handful of mint, parsley, salted tomatoes, fried bread (half of it). 

Turn into bowl, invert on plate. Dress with tahini & tomato sauce, fried bread, more herbs and pepper flakes.

What do you think of the recipe?

Tom Jackson

Tom Jackson

Originally hailing from Birmingham, England and with a culinary heritage sprawling around Britain, Tom, the host of Shelf Life and Alphabetti, is a cook from nowhere that takes inspiration from everywhere. Passionate about the shared food experience and the commonalities between supposedly separate cuisines, Tom showcases broad and thorough references in his cooking and has a particular love for spices. He is also obsessed with pasta salads and is currently waiting for Mr. Naga to get in touch regarding his Ambassadorship.

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