How To Make Meatball Subs

If you're wondering how to make meatball subs which will satisfy even the most furious of hunger pangs, then read on. Cheesy, fragrant and slightly spicy – you’ll never want to use another recipe again!

Done in 45 minutes

Serves 4



for the meatballs

300gpork mince

300gbeef mince

1onion, blended with a splash of milk

1 tspfennel seeds

1 tbspparsley, chopped

3garlic cloves, minced


1 tspblack pepper

2 tspsalt

for the sauce

1onion, diced

1red chilli, diced

3garlic cloves, sliced

1 tbsptomato paste

2 canschopped tomatoes

1 tspsalt

1 tspsugar

2 tbspbalsamic vinegar

3fresh basil leaves

2 tbspolive oil

for the sandwich

4sub rolls

Parmesan, grated

Low moisture mozzarella, sliced

Fresh basil leaves

A lot of people don't know how to make a good meatball sub. To nail one, you need perfectly cooked, juicy meatballs with a good bite, the perfect cheese to sauce ratio and crisp toasted bread (no soggy buns here please!). This hearty meatball sub recipe has all of that. It is the epitome of comfort food. Make it for a delicious lunch or dinner – best served with a salad or some crispy fries.


In a large bowl, combine both mince meats, fennel, parsley, garlic, onion, breadcrumbs and salt and pepper. Mix well using your hands, form meatballs into large balls. Avoid handling meat too much. Leave to chill for 30 mins.

Place formed meatballs on to an oiled baking tray, you should form 12 medium sized meatballs.

Place meatballs in a preheated oven at 200 degrees, cook for 20 mins then finish until the grill for a further 5 mins.

While the meatballs cook, make your marinara sauce. In a medium frying pan, add olive oil, onion, garlic, and sliced red chilli. Allow the garlic and chilli to flavour the oil. Then add the tomato paste, cook until the tomato paste turns a brick red colour and has toasted completely, keep stirring to prevent catching.

Pour in the chopped tomatoes and deglaze the tomato puree. Pop in the sugar, vinegar, basil and salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and reduce the heat until the tomatoes have dissolved and the sauce has thickened. Make sure to taste for seasoning

Brush some of the excess meatball juice/fat on the roll, and lightly toast the bread in a pan. Place some sliced mozzarella on the bottom half of the bread, then place under the grill to melt.

Place three meatballs in each sub and spoon over the glossy tomato sauce. Top with more mozzarella, finish under the grill, and grate over a load of parmesan and stuff in a few basil leaves.

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Seren Davies-Jenkins

Seren Davies-Jenkins

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