
Mum sparks debate after allowing kid to open food and eat it while shopping

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A debate has sparked online after a cashier is said to have scolded a mother for allowing her kid to eat food whilst walking around the supermarket.

Explaining the ordeal in a TikTok, user @samanthamary1989 said she felt "judged" by the supermarket staffer for allowing her kid to open aa snack (that she fully intended on paying for).

“I feel a mix of both really cross and really upset,” she said in the video. “I’ll be honest, I snapped."

The mum explained that she had been shopping in the supermarket when her son, Jack, said he felt sick.

She first tried to give him some snacks she had brought with her, but he refused.

So, when the little boy saw some yoghurt containers in the shopping trolley and asked if she could have it, the mum obliged.

“He had not eaten, I was like, ‘If he wants it, he can have it,’” she said.

When she got to the till, she was surprised at the cashier's reaction, though.

“I said to the lady serving us, ‘I just wanted to let you know: Jack’s eaten these two on the way around — here they are, so that you can scan them.’ I wanted to point it out,” she said, handing the empty boxes to them.

The mum let her son snack as she shopped (Credit: Getty)

The TikToker said the cashier responded by giving her “the most disgusted look” before scanning them and throwing the rubbish in the bin.

“I said to her, ‘I’m really sorry but we hadn’t finished with them. I just wanted to pass them to you so you could make sure they were scanned,’” she went on.

“So she huffed at me, got them out of the bin, and put them on the side.”

After all this, the mum said she still apologised.

“She said, ‘I just don’t think it’s right that people let their kids eat stuff from the food shop on the way around,’” she recalled.

The cashier wasn't impressed with the mum (Credit: Getty)

“I said, ‘I don’t really think it is your job to be giving your opinion on what you think — my child is really unwell, he has basically not eaten properly for a week, he wanted something in the shop, so I jumped on that opportunity for him to have something to eat.”

The mum is then said to have become teary, which promoted a "half apology" from the cashier.

"I’m still feeling so cross about this whole situation and I still cannot believe this lady actually said what she said," she said in a caption on the TikTok.

And it seems a lot of people had opinions in the comments, with some supporting the mother whilst others backed the supermarket worker.

"It’s 100 percent her job to let you know you’re NOT allowed to eat or drink anything before you’ve paid for it," said one person in response to the video.

Lots of cashiers had their say in the comments (Credit: Getty)

Whilst another wrote: "A [supermarket] employee told me to eat or drink something before you’ve paid is classed as theft regardless of if you pay at the end !!! (sic)".

"What happens if u get to the till and cannot pay for whatever reason? I've had ppl leave their shoppin at till cuz they forgot the card or wtv. Eat after uve paid [for] (sic)," said a third.

Whilst a more sympathetic commenter said: "I do this pretty much every food shop my toddler hates it and screams the whole time unless I give her something!

"Can't believe you were treated that."

"I am not a mum but I'm completely with you on this," another concurred. "You were just so relieved that your baby wanted to eat...I think I would have done the same."

"If anyone else eats whilst they shop.. THEN pays, I highly recommend scranning the goats cheese and tomato foccacia round Aldi. 10/10 delicious (sic)," someone else suggested.

Looks like the jury is out on this one!

Featured image: Getty
