
Warning issued to people who cook bacon in the air fryer

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Air fryers are all the rage right now, and for good reason. When used correctly they can save energy and are really just rather useful!

But it's worth noting that whilst air fryers can be a lifesaver in many situations, they don't come without their downfalls.

Case in point? Well, for one, an expert has just warned that bacon in an air fryer could cause issues unless you know how to avoid it.

This is because bacon is so fatty that amateur chefs might find themselves in a spot of trouble...

Novice cooks may stumble cooking some foods in the air fryer (Credit: Getty)

Dietitian and recipe developer Brenda Peralta tells Huffington Post: "When it is cooked in an air fryer, the fat can drip down and cause smoke or splatter.

"This can make the bacon difficult to cook evenly, and it can also produce a lot of smoke and odours."

This means that some parts of your bacon rashers could be left uncooked, potentially risking food poisoning.

Bacon frying in an air fryer can be a messy job (Credit: Getty)

The drippings can be a safety issue too, as a result of the smoke.

Plus, odours can affect the taste of the bacon when you take it out the air fryer.

Nobody wants burnt food wafting through the air while they cook, do they?

This doesn't mean you can't ever cook bacon in an air fryer, just that you should be wary.

Twisted's Creative Culinary Lead, Hugh, advises: "Using greaseproof paper is a great way to avoid dripping and splattering and the smoke that may come from that.

"Bacon is naturally fatty but with this precaution in place it shouldn't be an issue to cook it in the air fryer."

Bacon in the air fryer is very possible when done right, though (Credit: Getty)

Martin Lewis has also famously warned people that while air fryers are cost effective, they shouldn't be used in all instances.

Talking on the podcast, Martin detailed why air fryers and microwaves weren’t always the best way.

He said that cooking a jacket potato in the air fryer or microwave takes just a few minutes, for instance, and so is therefore a good way to save on bills.

However, he adds that cooking a full roast for several people in the microwave is actually likely to be pricier, “because each additional object you add, you need to keep it on longer, [because it] just heats the individual object.”

Martin adds that this means different meals are sensible in the air fryer and microwave, whilst others aren’t.

You can read about that here.

Featured: Getty
